Philanthropic Services

We love working with people who have been Blessed with resources and then choose to use those resources to help others. Sometimes those excellent intentions run into challenges from taxes, unexpected expenses, or fluctuations in available resources. We use tools to help you maximize the amount you can give and do so in the most tax efficient way possible. 

Gifting Appreciated Assets: 

Do you have a concentrated position that has a gain so big you don’t want to sell it? What about gifting a portion of that position? That gives you the tax break of the contribution, and you don’t pay capital gains tax. 

Direct donation of Required Minimum Distributions: 

Did you know you can contribute directly to a charity from your IRA and it won’t be a taxable distribution? This is a great strategy for those who no longer itemize their deductions and don’t get to deduct their charitable contributions.

Donor Advised Funds:

This tool allows you to take advantage of a large inflow of assets and maximize your deduction while allowing you to keep your giving level over time. This is also a great vehicle to introduce children and grandchildren to the joys of giving.


If you have a particular passion and you want to see it supported in an ongoing manner, a foundation may be the right giving vehicle for you. Foundations give you greater flexibility but do have more significant administrative charges.

We have experience with all of these solutions and can help you develop your plan to integrate your Philanthropic goals with your financial plan.

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